Monday 30 May 2011

Following my father to Cairo - 70 years on

It only occurred to me a few moments ago that Dad was almost certainly here in Cairo either in 1940 or 41 - 70 years ago. An amazing thought, I must call him later and talk to him.

For the last three days we have seen the sights you would expect to see - the pyramids, the museum, bazaar etc. Looking around the city, talking to people what has struck me the most has been a sense of awaking. Yes the Egyptian people have a long and spectacular history but they believe they are making history now. Yesterday we saw a small protest, there was a banner which said 'We deserve more'. They do, I am sure my father would agree.

Peter Jackson
Mobile: +44(0)7887 794396

Sent from my BlackBerry from Vodafone- so please excuse the brevity and the typing mistakes!

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