Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Not travelling

There is an addictive aspect to travelling, having finally returning home on Sunday I find myself looking towards my next trips, the most significant of which is a two night trip to Chicago next month with a one night raid on Dublin in couple of weeks.

Reflections on my boat trip around the Med. It was ok, peering into almost obscene wealth for a little while is quite entertaining as long as you manage perspective - which normally means taking the rip out them (rich people), with a bit of luck to their face without them noticing. It is really at times like this when my more socialist tendencies come to the fore, not because people are rich, but because some people are complete prats about it. Heard a great sketch on radio last night.(abridged)...Pixie Geldof soundalike to Bob soundalike 'Dad will you do a charity record for me'...'Sure baby what is the charity?' 'Me, everyone is going to Bali and i have maxed out my credit cards and i simply must go, it's life and death, i must , i must.....

Ok it was better on the radio.

I am lucky enough to meet some really great people in the travel and hospitality industry who work really hard over many hours to deliver, you have to respect what they do and how they do it. A couple of years ago i was stood in the reception of the Madinat in Dubai with some people and overheard someone laying into a hotel person way beyond the people I and the people I was with considered to be accepetable - it just seemed that all this guy wanted to do was make the hotel lady break down in tears, a complete jerk. One of the people I was with was a 'security consultant' for a client and he was ready to explain in a fairly forthright manner where this guy had erred - which would have been both just and entertaining but ultimately a distraction.

I have this notion that it would be possible to create a community for people in our industry, and particularly the niche that is C&I and if you can create a discernable community there will be a value to someone somewhere to talk to them.......apart from not really knowing how to slice and dice such a community and who would want to spend talking to them it is a great idea - perhaps i need to spend more time waiting at airports to think about it.


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