Friday, 19 June 2009

Portofino Perfection

So here I am, having 'jumped ship' from Club Med 2 to come into the small but beautiful town of Portofino.

And taken the opportunity to come and see the elegant Hotel Splendido which is owned by
Orient Express. OE used to a have a splendid (excuse the pun) Relationship Manager
called Patrick Flemming who always said this was his favourite hotel in their portfolio
, looking at it I can see why. Fantastic location above the town , elegant buildings and how come any
Italian under the age of 30 look like they have just stepped off of a catwalk?

The town is very stylish, but not entirly untouched by the monster
that is the mass tourist market with one or two shops selling tourist tat.
Rooney got married here and you can see why it appeals to both 'old money' and the
new rich.

There is a waiter here singing little snippets of songs - to the ladies - this is
Italy after all.

I am here in Portofino courtsey of Club Med, whose 5 mast, 180+ cabin yacht is sitting outside of the harbour.
At a press conference this morning they explained how they were moving
a portion of their business what they describe as 'up scale'. The product I have seen has yet
to reach the same levels as One & Only, Fairmont or Four Seasons - although
they are trying.

Anyway in about 5 minutes I am going to be shown around the hotel
by a very attractive young I had better spend a few minutes to
compose myself.


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