Monday, 10 August 2009

Did I ever get 523 letters in one week?

First day back at work after a week off, well a week and a day actually but let's not split hairs. What did I find.....523 emails waiting for me, and that didn't even count the 200+ already filtered out. So in days of old would I have received so many letters? No I didn't, several things used to happen back in the day. The most notable of which were 1) People either walked across the office or picked up the phone and actually spoke to people 2) For a lot of the time for a lot of things we were ignorant of what was going on.

The most over used tool in an email is the dreaded 'cc' function. Young'uns seem to forget the 'cc' stands for 'Courtsey Copy'. Let me tell you after 523 emails 'courtsey' is running a bit thin.

Would I change things? Probably not, the truth of the matter is that we all have become 24/7/365 information junkies. Cut me off and I would wonder what was going on.

Must close now, running out of battery life on my BlackBerry....

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